Primož Potočnik

Primož Potočnik (photo Vesna Vilar)

Life in the exploration of consciousness, scientific research, movement arts, nature, and silence.

Scientific researcher in the field of neural networks and machine learning (Laboratory of Sinergetics).

Contemplative exploration of consciousness through many contemplative retreats abroad, primarily with Western nondual teachers (A.H. Almaas, Francis Lucille, Aisha Pema Salem, Adyashanti, …), and within Kashmiri tantric tradition (Daniel Odier) and Dzogchen (Keith Dowman).

I’m also active in writing (Dreaming, waking up and falling into Being), translating boutique contemplative literature (Dzogchen nonmeditation), and occasionally posting (Blog).

I enjoy movement arts, through many movement practices and outdoor sports. I have been enjoying aquatic expeditions for many years, with a Viroga sailing kayak (my own nautical innovation), a beach-catamaran, a Seascape 18 sailboat, an expedition SUP board, and an expedition windsurf board.

Contact: +386-31-239-453 | |