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Ravnokar sem domala na dušek prebral zadnje vrstice sijajne knjige o sanjanju, prebujanju in prelivanju v bivanje, Bitje in kozmično zavest, ki jo je v angleščini napisal dr. Primož Potočnik (“Dreaming, waking up and falling into Being,” samozaložba, 2022).
Knjižica je drobna po obsegu in zajetna po vsebini, pravzaprav je neskončna. Navdušila me je s svojo preprostostjo, iskrenostjo, pronicljivostjo in “nekonceptualnostjo”, ker je sporočilna tudi onkraj besed in njen koncept oziroma struktura sploh ni pomembna.
Večkrat me je spomnila na kultno knjigo Be Here Now, ki jo je napisal Ram Dass, in čeravno sem se med branjem obeh knjig večkrat (pretirano racionalno) spraševal, ali ju nemara ne bi kazalo drugače urediti ali zasnovati, me je vsakič znova preblisnilo Primoževo uvodno sporočilo, da gre za inspiracijsko mešanico izkustvenih duhovnih pejsažev, poezije, refleksije, kontemplacije in praktičnih premislekov, ki so namenjeni raziskovalcem zavesti, da bi lažje vibrirali v celostni resonanci. Še posebej dragocene so njegove osebne izkušnje, zlaste tiste z morja.
Knjigo zaokroži s štirimi prelepimi pesmimi, denimo tole o pomenu bivanja, pomembneje je Biti kot Delovati:
Prof. dr. Marko Pavliha
Just Being
What is, is enough.
There’s nothing to do.
Relax, just BE.
Enjoy this miracle of Being.
Just being is enough.
I am a human being,
not a human doing.
Ta knjiga je kot dobra predjed za vaše osebno potovanje v mistično. Zbira sestavine potovanja, ki se zdijo kot dobro odkrit zemljevid poti. Poln je virov, ki so podani z mehko jasnostjo in bogatim znanjem. Napisana je v poglobljeni kakovosti, ki bralcu omogoča dovolj prostora za osebno kontemplacijo.
Špela Peterlin – Nayeli
Primoževa knjiga nam prinaša okuse neskončnih obrazov mistike in možnih realizacij, hkrati pa je zbirka izjemno pomembnih informacij, ki bodo olajšale, inspirirale in obogatile našo pot raziskovanja. Z neverjetno lahkotnostjo se sprehaja čez pokrajine duha in z vsakim poglavjem dobimo v roke tudi ključ, ki nam bo pomagal odkleniti svojo notranjo sobo, v kateri nas čaka zaklad. Takšna zrela knjiga je redek biser, ki nas nagovarja večplastno: s svojo brezkompromisno iskrenostjo, z osupljivo raznolikim spektrom možnih zaznav realnosti, s svojo globino in hkrati ostrino misli. Nezadržno nas zapeljuje v drznost, da do boleče polnosti razpremo in (do)živimo skrivnost sebe.
Dr. Vesna Vilar
Table of Contents
The Body
In Joy
The Flow
Man on Fire
The Dice Man
Raising Vibration
Playing with Vibration
Being Unique, being One
Dual and Nondual Perception
The Work
The Beggar
The Dragon
The Toad
Gaia and Ra
Ecstasy and Calamity
Understanding Love
Making love, being Love
Fifty shades of Black
Cutting Attachments
Free Fall
Just Being
Living sculpture
About the Author
“Right now you have the opportunity.
Look for the essence of mind—this is meaningful.
When you look at mind, there is nothing to be seen.
In this very not-seeing, you see the definitive meaning.”
—Machig Labdrön
Taking an endless inspiration from Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, the book describes a metaphysical journey of a scientist “down the rabbit hole” into the depth of BEING. The book is composed of many spicy ingredients found along the way, perceptions, experiences, contemplations, and realizations.
There were many profoundly inspiring conversations with friends and morning meditations when rich materials simply started to arise. However, I never wrote it down, trying not to interfere with the flow. Until recently, when after some relaxing and inspiring time in nature, I finally happened to break the meditative flow and started writing. The writing progressed rapidly and spontaneously. It took only a few weeks to complete the book, all with joy and following the natural flow. I feel deep gratitude for being immersed in such a high vibrational creative process, which now seems like completing one chapter of life and opening to the next stretch of sailing through the uncharted waters of the miraculous Unknown.
This writing is a mixture of experiential landscapes, poetry, reflections, and contemplations, and practical considerations for the explorers of consciousness, all meant as an inspiration to evoke the vibrational resonance to dive deep into the exploration of the mystery of BEING.
My inquiry into the depth of being can be considered “fundamental research” and not “applied research” because it is not application-oriented or following a particular objective. Instead, it is a natural consequence of a spontaneous curiosity and activation of the “realization drive”, the noncausal dynamism of the Total Being to know and reflect upon itself.
As a scientist with over two decades of research in artificial neural networks and machine learning, I wish to address the scientists, engineers, and other predominantly mentally oriented people who may find inspiration and courage to release the known and familiar mental frameworks and drop down the rabbit hole into the world of feeling, openness, vulnerability and radical encounters with the depth of being—which in itself is a deeply rewarding process.
Scientists and engineers may appreciate a few technically expressed descriptions. But even more, I intend to share poetic and experiential inspirations, which ultimately open the depth of being much more than the mere intellectual understanding.
Aren’t we all on the way to integrating all the pieces of what we are into complete human beings? Collecting all the broken and forgotten parts of ourselves, healing the hidden shadows, waking up the dormant shining qualities of BEING, and knowing ourselves to the core of what we are. Aren’t we led by a curiosity about who we are, what life is, and how to live life in a fulfilling and exciting way?
My inspiration is to build bridges between often sharply polarized domains of human endeavor and to infuse science with the perfume of the spirit. Because only when we deeply and intimately know ourselves do we recognize our authentic needs, which inform our aspirations in all areas of life, including science and engineering.
The writing has also been a part of my ongoing and never-ending deepening process, recapitulating the insights, experiences, received wisdom and realizations, as part of the integration and assimilation, and readiness for the next cycle of dissolution and surrender into the mysteries of the Infinity.