MARY MAGDALENE’S MESSAGES. Mary Magdalene, I am here with you, I am the embodiment of divine love, embodiment of the love of Christ, the light of Christ, I have surrendered my body. My body is pure love, I radio this pure love and I am here with you. I teach you this love. I surrendered… Continue reading Messages from Mary Magdalene
Category: Channeling-en
Channeled messages
How are we supposed to work when we're not doing well?
Question: HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO WORK IN LIFE WHEN WE’RE NOT DOING WELL? Answer: I am archangel Michael, I embrace you with my loving presence. With your greatness. With my ail. I fully embrace you with my compassion. Open your heart. I reach into your heart with loving energy. I caress your heart. I… Continue reading How are we supposed to work when we're not doing well?
Determination and softness
A MESSAGE FROM PERSONAL ANGELS. Warmth. A gentle hug. A embrace of angel energy. We gently embrace you, gently wave our energy over your being. We dissolve the pieces of sorrow, clean your creature, caress you. We caress you with our energy, with our love. We’re ing for you with golden hair. We wave, we… Continue reading Determination and softness
Connecting to the Consciousness of Christ
OPENING INTO THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF CHRIST. An open heart, a shining heart, a heart hugging this world. The rays of light are spreading around. A smile of bliss. Blinding light. The shining blinding light. It invites us into this heart, this heart, the source of this light. And as we get closer, that light gets… Continue reading Connecting to the Consciousness of Christ
Life's mission and gifts of life
Party question: WHAT IS MY MISSION OF LIFE AND HOW SHOULD I ACT TO EXPRESS MY SOUL AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE? Channeled message: You’re standing next to a wooden plot in front of your house. You’re working on the house. A calm, calm feeling. Home. Home is important. Heart-filled feeling, feeling at home. Warmth, security.… Continue reading Life's mission and gifts of life