Primož | Vesna | Nayeli | Janja
- Fifty shades of VOID (8 novembra, 2023) - Tantrik representation of self The Tantrik five-layered representation of self includes the following interconnected layers: The layer of transcendent VOID (śūnya) is empty of all form and energy, absolutely still. It is, in a sense, Śiva without Śakti, or rather with Her existing as unexpressed potentiality. Perceptions of Void While most people don’t identify with… Continue reading Fifty shades of VOID
- BuSuKU (5 junija, 2023) - Za BuSuKu Dzogčen intenziv sem izvedel tik pred zdajci – v zaključni fazi prevajanja knjižice “Dzogchen Nonmeditation” Keitha Dowmana v Slovenščino, ki odlično razgrne jedrno Dzogčen filozofijo in prakso nemeditacije. Kmalu več o skorajšnjem izidu knjige “DZOGČEN NEMEDITACIJA”. Ker BuSuKu intenziv čudovito udejanja prav takšno prakso, me je takoj na polno prižgalo, da se pridružim.… Continue reading BuSuKU
- Sveti pepel (5 junija, 2023) - Sestra moja, brat moj,tukaj smoda smo tok Lepote,tok Ljubezniin ta … ta sijoči žarek Svetlobe.Spomni se, kdo je tvoj Ljubljeni,ki te čaka v Srcu,da sreča oči nedolžnosti.Čez te očise bosta prepoznala …en pogled bo dovoljda vajin ogenj Ljubeznipoužije celo Stvarstvo.In potem … potem boš kot božanski norecplesal po mahuin objemal drevesa;na tvojih prstih bodo počivali… Continue reading Sveti pepel
- Soul’s Calling (19 aprila, 2023) - Do you hear the call of the Soul,it’s whispering, so gentle and subtle,yet so radiant and intoxicating. Hidden behind the wall of voicesof this world, so loud and sticky,so easy to be mistaken forthe true voice of the soul. Calling back, calling home,through the landscapes of form,progressively more subtle and transparent,until reaching the blacknessof the… Continue reading Soul’s Calling
- Something—Nothing (1 januarja, 2023) - The question “Why is there something rather than nothing?” is not new, and the evolution of the conceptualization of NOTHING offers (rather than an answer) an invitation to investigate (and possibly deconstruct) the question itself – in the spirit of contemporary physics, metaphysics, and direct physical (bodily) perceptions. [Cole, K. C. (2002) The Hole in… Continue reading Something—Nothing
- Kozmologija zavesti (27 decembra, 2022) - Ob iztočnici sodobne kozmologije in inspiraciji teoretične fizike (teorija superstrun, M-teorija) uživam v razpiranju novih vprašanj (ki niti ne potrebujejo odgovorov) in si drznem potegniti nekaj vzporednic med fiziko oz. kozmologijo vesolja in tem, kar v pričujočem sklopu opazovanja imenujem »KOZMOLOGIJA ZAVESTI«. (Kozmologija proučuje zgradbo, nastanek in razvoj vesolja kot celote. Pretežno teoretična znanost na… Continue reading Kozmologija zavesti
- Unbecoming (18 decembra, 2022) - Follow your soul’s callto embrace the Realityand realize that it is reallynot the call of your Soul.It never was. But rather the call ofthe darkness deep thereburied under the layersof meaningless glittering ofthe stories which never areand never wereanything but the hollowbreeze gently sweepingacross the empty landscapes. So void is your true selfso beautifully transparentto… Continue reading Unbecoming
- Bound to Be (12 novembra, 2022) - The active side of Infinity – Beingness – is encoded to be.Its main task is to be and to sustain and continue to be.This is how all this is encoded, that’s how we are encoded.The universe is universally encoded with this kind of gravity. So we are, encoded with the gravity to be,to sustain the… Continue reading Bound to Be
- Implozija Realnosti in Telo (10 novembra, 2022) - Dragi prijatelji, tokratni post bo obsežen in morda izzivajoč, saj želim odpreti temo razpiranja vidikov realnosti s poudarkom skozi prizmo telesa. Informacij o tem še vedno ni veliko, skorajda vse pa se nanašajo na procese, ki se dogajajo v telesu, ko prihaja do osvobajanja iz kontrakcije jaza. Tu gre v bistvu za proces ekspanzije, ne… Continue reading Implozija Realnosti in Telo
- The Peak Magician’s Trick (6 novembra, 2022) - When you look forwhat is hereyou cannot find it.Nothing is herebesides the shadow whispers.When you holdthe momentlike a precious fragile flowerin your hands,the wind will cometo disperse itlike a sand mandala.When you thinkthe thoughtsyou realizethere is no thinkerbehind the thoughts.When you make a mapto find your wayyou realizethere is no way or why. The point… Continue reading The Peak Magician’s Trick
- Beingness prior to doingness (29 oktobra, 2022) - Beingness prior to doingness.Blissful beauty prior to doing,learning, healing, growing,connecting, becoming …never a subject to or affectedby the contents of doingness.The stillness prior to that. Prior to ‘me’ there is life.The ‘me’ has no life. Life has ‘me’.That which is only an illusionof the self-reflectiveproperty of awareness.But, hey, it’s nothing there.The awareness is aware of… Continue reading Beingness prior to doingness
- Illusion of waking up (16 oktobra, 2022) - Illusion and waking up from an illusion are parts of the illusion. Dreaming and waking up both happen within the dream. The matrix and escaping the matrix are both parts of the matrix. The illusion can be seen but not escaped. There’s no one who can wake up / escape from anything. There’s no one… Continue reading Illusion of waking up
- Unfathomable (4 oktobra, 2022) - I threw away everything.All the pointers,all the words,the mind,the emptiness, consciousness,nothing and everything.I don’t care anymore.This delightful unfathomablewithout a thought.Just pure freedomof the manta rayswimming through the ocean,sometimes lucid,sometimes shimmering,sometimes dry,sometimes dark as a night.And vast.Just endlessly slidingwithout direction,without a purpose,without.I don’t care anymore.Just this immense freedomwith no edges to find.Just sliding, sliding …as a… Continue reading Unfathomable
- The End of the Game (25 septembra, 2022) - THE END OF THE GAME This is a radical investigation, and I’m collecting and sharing impressions of studying THE END OF THE GAME / amazon.com/dp/B07HGHGL68 / by S. Wolinsky where portals to the Absolute are precisely deconstructed. An understanding of portals / youtu.be/87DmQkTvj0Y / is necessary prior to the deconstruction of portals. The portals (light,… Continue reading The End of the Game
- Great Seal, Great Perfection (17 septembra, 2022) - Just a tiny blossomin the vast fields of infinityavailable and readyalready being touchedby the light of theGREAT SEAL. This burningso fatal yet liberatingfrom inside outfrom outside incan you find the direction? There’s no wayno movementno directionno nothing. Yet the way opensspontaneouslythrough the burningof the heart. Offering itselfavailable and readyto receive the raysof nothingness andthe touch… Continue reading Great Seal, Great Perfection
- A solitary song of the bird (13 septembra, 2022) - Sometimes there appears a turning point or a break through in our lives. It is as we (slowly) build a momentum toward it or better, this momentum is unfolding through us, not knowing where it leads. For me it seems my whole life was somehow a preparation on this one. There were so many bigger… Continue reading A solitary song of the bird
- Ilie Cioara – MAHAMUDRA – Direct Path (19 avgusta, 2022) - While I have been enjoying the off-grid wilderness of the islands for a while (until my food supplies were empty and my fasting enthusiasm exhausted), my contemplative study and exploration were about several mystic texts, so I’m connecting a few dots. ILIE CIOARA At first, I was deeply touched by the raw mystic power and… Continue reading Ilie Cioara – MAHAMUDRA – Direct Path
- SPANDA (5 avgusta, 2022) - The concept of SPANDA originates in the nondual tradition of Kashmir and is less known elsewhere. Abinahavagupta called spanda the “pulsation of the ecstasy of the Divine Consciousness.” It seems to be a linking quality between the energy/body/consciousness and can manifest as a “sacred tremor”. Do I know it? I don’t know. I can’t know… Continue reading SPANDA
- A Statue of Eternity (1 junija, 2022) - Raindrops fallinginside vastness of my bodyas silver stringsinfused with delight.Everything is at great pause.A statue of eternity.Only the heart can comprehendstillnessin frog’s mantra,supreme restin fluffy branches kissing the airand velvet warmthof the raypenetrating through a creviceof the limitless face. Everything is at great pause.A statue of eternity.Everything is buddhaand body of the bodhi tree. –… Continue reading A Statue of Eternity
- Notes from ordinariness (30 maja, 2022) - Nothing is happeningbut all is here.I open and closemy eyesto see the difference.I cannot notice it.Just dwelling.Everything is stillwith the sweet sounds of birds.I can’t find myselfbut still, I am.I have nothing to tell youbut still, I speak.I have nothing to give youbut still, you take.Trembling of the spacereminds me all is life.Stillness of the… Continue reading Notes from ordinariness
- The Abyss (26 maja, 2022) - A point of returnthrough the womb of lifebackwardsfrom where you came.This huge inhaleis sucking all the life from you.Your eyes become a little slitloosing slowly their colorful abundancebefore they close.Your body becomes a heavy massbending itselfinto an atom.Everything is slippingun-a-void-ablyinto a black hole.You become so insignificantjust a fading shadow.Even silence and darknessseem to be a… Continue reading The Abyss
- O srcu, angelskih krilih in celosti (25 aprila, 2022) - Danes sem prebrala že dva odlična zapisa, ki sta se dotaknila teme, ki je zame v tem času bistven del mojega raziskovanja. To je odprtje zadnjega srčnega centra, ki se mu reče tudi “angelska krila”. Poleg tega tudi razumevanje celotne dinamike energijskega pretoka skozi človekovo telo. Zato sem danes spet kontemplirala vso do sedaj podarjeno… Continue reading O srcu, angelskih krilih in celosti
- I am a fool you’ll see dancing (3 januarja, 2022) - I am a foolyou’ll see dancing in deep forestswith ecstatic smile of bubbling riversblessing meadows, bugs and hillscalling dragons and unseen I am a foolwho see a hidden tear in smilewho gently kiss your armored mindwho listen to the gaps in worldsand cry at jokes that are so mean I am that foolwho just feel,… Continue reading I am a fool you’ll see dancing
- The Waves of Love (21 junija, 2021) - Resting at the yin/yang horizonwhere deep indigo meetslight blueness of the skyyou stretch the sail of heartto catch the wind of belovedand slide softlywith the waves of love. As the air is breathing you,kissing your nostrilsyou find your invisible waysto become light as the sea foamsparkling in intrinsic joybut caught by the waves of loveagain… Continue reading The Waves of Love
- Remember, my love (25 maja, 2021) - Remember, my loveyour body is made of the Light.You are here to infuseyour bones, your blood, your cellswith the subtlest substanceof the glimmering air. When you wave your handthe whole world respondsand dances with one moveof your weightless beauty.Use your hands to blessa remembrance of the matterbeing the endless Shine. One day, my loveyour shoulder… Continue reading Remember, my love